Roczny Raport Wiatru (kmh)

Ostatnia aktualizacja 16.01.2025 17:30.

 Szczegółowe / dzienneSumaryczne / miesięczne 
Maksymalna Prędkość Wiatru (kmh)
20250* ---------------------------------0*
20240 0 0 0 0* ------0* 0* ------0* 0*
20230* 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0* 0* ------0*
20220 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0* 0 0 0*
20210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
202034 42* 39 27 30 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 42*
201932 37 48 26 25 20 36 32 32* 34 32 36 48*
201836 24 27 29 20 24* 17 17 35* 46 19 30 46*
201738 42 46 30 21 30 20* 19* 26 37 27 57* 57*
201667 76 58 26* 38 58 45 33 37 36 34 37 76*
201587 49 67 54 46 42 95 40 68 50 62 60 95
201471 59 64 55 44 50 36 42 36 49 65 70 71
201352* 78 54 54 37 39 34 39 42 59 68 68 78*
Max87 78 67 55 46 58 95 42 68 59 68 70 95
Średnia Maksymalna Prędkość Wiatru (kmh)
20250* 14.4 less than the Styczeń average. ---------------------------------0* 14 less than the yearly average.
20240 14.4 less than the Styczeń average. 0 15.7 less than the Luty average. 0 15.9 less than the Marzec average. 0 14.6 less than the Kwiecień average. 0* 13 less than the Maj average. ------0* 11.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 11.9 less than the Wrzesień average. ------0* 16.6 less than the Grudzień average. 0* 14 less than the yearly average.
20230* 14.4 less than the Styczeń average. 0 15.7 less than the Luty average. 0 15.9 less than the Marzec average. 0 14.6 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 13 less than the Maj average. 0 12.5 less than the Czerwiec average. 0* 12.7 less than the Lipiec average. 0 11.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 11.9 less than the Wrzesień average. 0* 13.8 less than the Październik average. ------0* 14 less than the yearly average.
20220 14.4 less than the Styczeń average. 0 15.7 less than the Luty average. 0 15.9 less than the Marzec average. 0* 14.6 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 13 less than the Maj average. 0 12.5 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 12.7 less than the Lipiec average. 0 11.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 11.9 less than the Wrzesień average. 0* 13.8 less than the Październik average. 0 15.1 less than the Listopad average. 0 16.6 less than the Grudzień average. 0* 14 less than the yearly average.
20210 14.4 less than the Styczeń average. 0 15.7 less than the Luty average. 0 15.9 less than the Marzec average. 0 14.6 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 13 less than the Maj average. 0 12.5 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 12.7 less than the Lipiec average. 0 11.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0 11.9 less than the Wrzesień average. 0 13.8 less than the Październik average. 0 15.1 less than the Listopad average. 0 16.6 less than the Grudzień average. 0 14 less than the yearly average.
202012 2.8 less than the Styczeń average. 23* 7.3 more than the Luty average. 19 2.8 more than the Marzec average. 18 3.5 more than the Kwiecień average. 5 7.9 less than the Maj average. 0 12.5 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 12.7 less than the Lipiec average. 0* 11.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0 11.9 less than the Wrzesień average. 0 13.8 less than the Październik average. 0 15.1 less than the Listopad average. 0 16.6 less than the Grudzień average. 6* 7.6 less than the yearly average.
201915 0.5 more than the Styczeń average. 19 3.8 more than the Luty average. 22 5.9 more than the Marzec average. 18 3.6 more than the Kwiecień average. 14 1 more than the Maj average. 13 0.8 more than the Czerwiec average. 14 1.8 more than the Lipiec average. 14 2.3 more than the Sierpień average. 12* 0.5 more than the Wrzesień average. 15 1.7 more than the Październik average. 16 1 more than the Listopad average. 14 2.8 less than the Grudzień average. 16* 1.7 more than the yearly average.
201820 5.3 more than the Styczeń average. 12 4.1 less than the Luty average. 16   18 3.2 more than the Kwiecień average. 12 0.8 less than the Maj average. 12* 1 less than the Czerwiec average. 11 1.2 less than the Lipiec average. 11 0.8 less than the Sierpień average. 13* 1.5 more than the Wrzesień average. 16 2 more than the Październik average. 13 1.6 less than the Listopad average. 16 0.2 less than the Grudzień average. 14* 0.2 more than the yearly average.
201714 0.6 less than the Styczeń average. 16 0.6 more than the Luty average. 19 3.5 more than the Marzec average. 18 3.3 more than the Kwiecień average. 14 1.3 more than the Maj average. 15 2.9 more than the Czerwiec average. 12* 0.6 less than the Lipiec average. 12* 0.2 more than the Sierpień average. 12 0.1 more than the Wrzesień average. 17 3.4 more than the Październik average. 16 0.9 more than the Listopad average. 22* 5.1 more than the Grudzień average. 16* 2 more than the yearly average.
201629 14.3 more than the Styczeń average. 37 21.2 more than the Luty average. 27 10.9 more than the Marzec average. 14* 0.7 less than the Kwiecień average. 27 13.9 more than the Maj average. 26 13.2 more than the Czerwiec average. 25 12.8 more than the Lipiec average. 22 10.6 more than the Sierpień average. 22 10.4 more than the Wrzesień average. 22 8.4 more than the Październik average. 19 3.9 more than the Listopad average. 16 0.3 less than the Grudzień average. 24* 9.9 more than the yearly average.
201536 22 more than the Styczeń average. 25 9.4 more than the Luty average. 32 15.6 more than the Marzec average. 32 17.3 more than the Kwiecień average. 27 13.6 more than the Maj average. 26 13.3 more than the Czerwiec average. 32 19.2 more than the Lipiec average. 27 15.3 more than the Sierpień average. 28 16.4 more than the Wrzesień average. 21 7.6 more than the Październik average. 33 17.7 more than the Listopad average. 32 15.2 more than the Grudzień average. 29 15.3 more than the yearly average.
201430 15.2 more than the Styczeń average. 31 15.2 more than the Luty average. 31 15.5 more than the Marzec average. 30 14.9 more than the Kwiecień average. 26 13 more than the Maj average. 25 12.7 more than the Czerwiec average. 23 10.4 more than the Lipiec average. 25 13.6 more than the Sierpień average. 21 9.2 more than the Wrzesień average. 24 9.9 more than the Październik average. 26 10.5 more than the Listopad average. 32 15.3 more than the Grudzień average. 27 12.9 more than the yearly average.
201319* 4.7 more than the Styczeń average. 25 9.4 more than the Luty average. 25 9.3 more than the Marzec average. 27 12.5 more than the Kwiecień average. 24 10.5 more than the Maj average. 21 8.3 more than the Czerwiec average. 20 7.5 more than the Lipiec average. 24 11.9 more than the Sierpień average. 24 12.3 more than the Wrzesień average. 27 13.1 more than the Październik average. 28 12.8 more than the Listopad average. 36 19.4 more than the Grudzień average. 25* 11.1 more than the yearly average.
Avg14 16 16 15 13 13 13 12 12 14 15 17 14
Średnia Prędkość Wiatru (kmh)
20250* 3.1 less than the Styczeń average. ---------------------------------0* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20240 3.1 less than the Styczeń average. 0 3.1 less than the Luty average. 0 3.4 less than the Marzec average. 0 2.9 less than the Kwiecień average. 0* 2.2 less than the Maj average. ------0* 1.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 2.1 less than the Wrzesień average. ------0* 3.9 less than the Grudzień average. 0* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20230* 3.1 less than the Styczeń average. 0 3.1 less than the Luty average. 0 3.4 less than the Marzec average. 0 2.9 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 2.2 less than the Maj average. 0 2 less than the Czerwiec average. 0* 2 less than the Lipiec average. 0 1.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 2.1 less than the Wrzesień average. 0* 2.8 less than the Październik average. ------0* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20220 3.1 less than the Styczeń average. 0 3.1 less than the Luty average. 0 3.4 less than the Marzec average. 0* 2.9 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 2.2 less than the Maj average. 0 2 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 2 less than the Lipiec average. 0 1.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0* 2.1 less than the Wrzesień average. 0* 2.8 less than the Październik average. 0 3 less than the Listopad average. 0 3.9 less than the Grudzień average. 0* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20210 3.1 less than the Styczeń average. 0 3.1 less than the Luty average. 0 3.4 less than the Marzec average. 0 2.9 less than the Kwiecień average. 0 2.2 less than the Maj average. 0 2 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 2 less than the Lipiec average. 0 1.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0 2.1 less than the Wrzesień average. 0 2.8 less than the Październik average. 0 3 less than the Listopad average. 0 3.9 less than the Grudzień average. 0 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20203 0.4 less than the Styczeń average. 5* 2 more than the Luty average. 4 0.6 more than the Marzec average. 3 0.4 more than the Kwiecień average. 1 1.3 less than the Maj average. 0 2 less than the Czerwiec average. 0 2 less than the Lipiec average. 0* 1.8 less than the Sierpień average. 0 2.1 less than the Wrzesień average. 0 2.8 less than the Październik average. 0 3 less than the Listopad average. 0 3.9 less than the Grudzień average. 1* 1.4 less than the yearly average.
20194 1.3 more than the Styczeń average. 4 0.8 more than the Luty average. 5 1.3 more than the Marzec average. 4 0.7 more than the Kwiecień average. 2 0.1 less than the Maj average. 2 0.2 less than the Czerwiec average. 2 0.1 less than the Lipiec average. 1 0.5 less than the Sierpień average. 2* 0.3 less than the Wrzesień average. 2 0.5 less than the Październik average. 2 0.5 less than the Listopad average. 3 0.8 less than the Grudzień average. 3* 0.1 more than the yearly average.
20184 0.7 more than the Styczeń average. 2 1.1 less than the Luty average. 3 0.5 less than the Marzec average. 3 0.1 more than the Kwiecień average. 2 0.4 less than the Maj average. 1* 0.5 less than the Czerwiec average. 2 0.4 less than the Lipiec average. 1 0.5 less than the Sierpień average. 2* 0.3 less than the Wrzesień average. 3 0.1 less than the Październik average. 3 0.3 less than the Listopad average. 4 0.1 more than the Grudzień average. 2* 0.3 less than the yearly average.
20172 0.7 less than the Styczeń average. 3 0.3 less than the Luty average. 3 0.3 less than the Marzec average. 3 0.3 more than the Kwiecień average. 2 0.5 less than the Maj average. 2 0.1 less than the Czerwiec average. 1* 0.8 less than the Lipiec average. 1* 0.4 less than the Sierpień average. 2 0.1 less than the Wrzesień average. 3 0.7 more than the Październik average. 3 0.2 less than the Listopad average. 4* 0.1 more than the Grudzień average. 3* 0.1 less than the yearly average.
20166 2.9 more than the Styczeń average. 7 4.1 more than the Luty average. 5 1.3 more than the Marzec average. 2* 1.2 less than the Kwiecień average. 4 2.1 more than the Maj average. 3 1.4 more than the Czerwiec average. 4 1.5 more than the Lipiec average. 3 1.2 more than the Sierpień average. 3 1.1 more than the Wrzesień average. 4 1.7 more than the Październik average. 3 0.3 less than the Listopad average. 3 0.6 less than the Grudzień average. 4* 1.3 more than the yearly average.
20157 4.2 more than the Styczeń average. 4 1 more than the Luty average. 6 2.4 more than the Marzec average. 6 3.1 more than the Kwiecień average. 4 1.7 more than the Maj average. 4 1.6 more than the Czerwiec average. 4 2.4 more than the Lipiec average. 4 2 more than the Sierpień average. 4 1.6 more than the Wrzesień average. 3 0.7 more than the Październik average. 7 3.9 more than the Listopad average. 7 2.7 more than the Grudzień average. 5 2.3 more than the yearly average.
20145 1.9 more than the Styczeń average. 5 1.7 more than the Luty average. 7 3.7 more than the Marzec average. 5 2.3 more than the Kwiecień average. 4 1.7 more than the Maj average. 4 1.8 more than the Czerwiec average. 3 1 more than the Lipiec average. 3 1.5 more than the Sierpień average. 3 1.1 more than the Wrzesień average. 4 1 more than the Październik average. 4 1.4 more than the Listopad average. 7 3.6 more than the Grudzień average. 5 1.9 more than the yearly average.
20136* 2.8 more than the Styczeń average. 7 4.1 more than the Luty average. 8 4.9 more than the Marzec average. 9 5.6 more than the Kwiecień average. 7 4.7 more than the Maj average. 6 4 more than the Czerwiec average. 6 4.2 more than the Lipiec average. 6 4.5 more than the Sierpień average. 8 5.4 more than the Wrzesień average. 8 5.4 more than the Październik average. 8 5.3 more than the Listopad average. 11 7.2 more than the Grudzień average. 8* 4.9 more than the yearly average.
Avg3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3
* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

Stopień Beaufort Opis Predkość wiatru
mph km/h kts m/s
0Cisza< 1< 1< 1< 0.3
1Powiew1 – 31.1 – 5.51 – 20.3 – 1.5
2Słaby wiatr4 – 7 5.6 – 113 – 61.6 – 3.4
3Łagodny wiatr8 – 1212 – 197 – 103.4 – 5.4
4Umiarkowany wiatr 13 – 1720 – 2811 – 155.5 – 7.9
5Dość silny wiatr 18 – 2429 – 3816 – 208.0 – 10.7
6Silny wiatr25 – 3039 – 4921 – 2610.8 – 13.8
7Bardzo silny wiatr31 – 3850 – 6127 – 3313.9 – 17.1
8Sztorm / Wicher39 – 4662 – 7434 – 4017.2 – 20.7
9Silny sztorm47 – 5475 – 8841 – 4720.8 – 24.4
10Bardzo silny sztorm55 – 6389 – 10248 – 5524.5 – 28.4
11Gwaltowny sztorm64 – 72103 - 10756 – 6328.5 – 32.6
12Huragan > 73> 118> 64> 32.7

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.